
Today in African History

Historical Events


  • 1980 - Wahu (Rosemary Wahu Kagwi), a Kenyan singer, is born in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • 1991 - Dip Doundou Guiss, a Senegalese rapper, is born in Dakar, Senegal.
  • 1982 - Deng Gai, a South Sudanese basketball player, is born in Wau, South Sudan.
  • 1992 - Edy Tavares, a Cape Verdean basketball player, is born in Maio, Cabo Verde.
  • 1997 - Chimezie Metu, a Nigerian-American basketball player, is born in Los Angeles, California, United States.


  • 2019 - Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta’s social media accounts are suspended after government claims they were hacked. 
  • 2012 - Malian President Amadou Tourmani Touré is overthrown in a military coup d’état.
  • 1967 - Senegal’s President Léopold Sédar Senghor survives an assassination attempt when his assailant’s gun fails to fire. 
  • 1928 - The Muslim Brotherhood is founded by Hassan al-Banna in Ismailia, Egypt. It will become one of the world’s most influential Islamic groups.
  • 1672 - Ibn Sharif is crowned as Sultan of Morocco. 

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