Learn Pokot

Hey Pokot language enthusiasts!

I am thrilled to see so many people interested in learning my language, Pokot. Today, I will help you get a glimpse into our rich culture through the everyday phrases we use.

From the warm greetings exchanged in the bustling markets of Baringo to the sweet whispers of love under the vast skies of Western Pokot, our language captures the essence of a people deeply connected to their land and traditions.

You can learn how to navigate the dry plains and rainy highlands with directional phrases, ask questions that spark engaging conversations, and immerse yourself in the everyday dialogues that bring the Pokot community to life.


Good evening. lendanee chopo nang'at
Good morning. amee chopo tokwooa
Good afternoon. lendanee chopo monon
How are you? poisho nyii?
How are you today? lendanee chopo asisetee
I am fine. poisho nyoman
Have a good day. amokunyii Asis nyo Karam
I am doing great. amitan nyo Karam
Hi/Hello. poisho?
Nice to meet you. achina ng'arakatee ombo kiriamatenjaa
See you soon. keriama ng'at
See you later. keriama kitee


I love you. achominyii
I miss you. kiamann emo nyii
Love you so much achominyii nyoman
I want to see you. omokan ariomee ngo nyii
I love you with all my heart. achominyii ombo mukulounyan lowur
I love you too. achominyii tukul
I want to see you. amakan onyorunyii
I like you. achominyii
You are beautiful. ichinyii pichigh
My love. chamanenyan
You look beautiful. ichinyii pichigh
My beautiful wife. korkenyan nyo Karam
I miss you so much, darling. amokinyi chamanenyuu
I need you. omokinyii
You will miss me. iyaraninyii nyoman
Goodbye, my love. keriama chamanenyuu
See you tomorrow. keriama asiyech
I will marry you. ilekunenyi korkenyan
I want some space. amakan poroin
I need your love. amakan chomnye ng'u
You are mine. ichinyi nyinyan


Where are you? imitenyi Ono?
Where did you go? kiiwenyi Ono?
Where do you live? imang'enyi Ono?
Where are you going? imitenyi wetee Ono?
Where were you? kimitenyi Ono?


How much? ata?
How are you feeling? lumtonenyii lanee?
How have you been? kemitenyi nyo Karam?
What is your name? kuuro ng'o kaineng'u?
What are you doing? Mitenyi ighe nee?
What are you cooking/eating? mitenyi amee nee?
Are you okay, dear? mitenyi nyo Karam nya?
When are you coming? ing'unenyi oyuu?
How was your night/day? lendanee chopo nang'at
How are you doing? mitenyi lanee?
How is your family? mi lanee pikakuu/monekuu
How was your day? kemitenyi nyo Karam aswanetee?
What is wrong? kaaminyi nee?
What do you mean? neechoni ng'at!
How's the weather over there? mi lanee korononi?
Have you gone to church? kewenyi kabisa?
What is this? neechoni?
What's going on? kolokunee
Are you listening? limenyii nya?
Have you heard? kelimanyi nya?
Can I go home? awechakei kau?
Can I ask something? ating'etan teput
How is everything? mi lanee tukun lapai?
What’s your phone number? mwaee nambenikuu po simu


Happy birthday soyonotee mirshe ng'uu
Thank you soro
I am sorry mutyo
You are welcome. ichinyi takatee
Me too! anii tukul
God bless you. kuperurun tororot
May god protect you. kuripin tororot
She is happy. ng'arachatee
Please help me. ng'arakandee
I don't know. mongutunanyee
I will come tomorrow. ang'unan asiyech
Come here! ng'onee Yi!
Feel at home. limtenan nyo Karam ombo kau
Be blessed. ichinyi soyonotee
I am coming soon. amulenan ng'at
Excuse me. ng'arakandee
Leave me alone. pusteenann ongut!
It is okay. lee nyonii
I am going home. kowatang kau
I don't want. momachanyee
Love is a beautiful thing. chomiogh kukigh nyo Karam
Let me try. nya amuktaan
Welcome home. ichinyi takatee ombo kau
I reached home safely. koorelon kau nyo Karam
God is good. Karam tororot
I don't understand. mongutonyee
We are happy to see you. chicha ngorechotee kesuwekwaa
I have it. otung'etan
Rest in peace. ruwo nyo Karam
I don't have money. motung'etan rapiyeen
I am done. kawanyan
I am going to the shop. mitawetee duka
Happy New Year. kony nyorel
Bad manners. atop nyo ghagh
Stop using your phone. pusteno simunyaan
I need a favour, please. omokan ng'orokut
I haven’t seen you for ages. maasuwinyii atookogh
Great to see you again. ng'arekcho asiwinyii ng'at
I really appreciate it. kaatakan ombo ng'orekut
You made my day. ketasanyii asiswechan nyoman!
No problem. maminyee kamboleluut
Where are you? mitenyi Ono?
Where were you? keemitenyii Ono?
Where did you go? kewenyi Ono?
Where do you live? imeng'enyii Ono?
Have you eaten it yet? ki amishenyii nyaa?
Come let me take you home nyono amutin kau
You are very drunk chinyi tamasatee
Can we have the meeting today? keriamena dinyogh aswanetee
Clean my shoes please wuno kweghkachan
The sun is scorching kinagh Asis tya
I'm going kowaan

What Next?

Don’t stop here. Learning Pokot is a journey that grows with daily practice, and the best part? It’s easier than you think. Push yourself to master at least five Pokot words every day.

And here’s a shout-out to those who already know Pokot – your contributions to the Pokot dictionary can make it even more amazing. Let's all participate in celebrating and sharing the beauty of our language!

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