Teshome is a PhD. candidate at university of Hradec Kralove, the Czech Republic and an Erasmus student and research Fellow at Science Po in France
Joined 2 years ago


'Dawurothuwa' in the Latin version and 'Dawurogna' in the Amharic description is the native language of the people of Dawuro. The name of the people and its land is written as 'Dawuro'. Some authors use different names such as Dawro, Dauro, Dawaro extra. But, the official and legal name is 'Dawuro'.


Dawuro kawu kawo Halala.

Dwuro asay dangarssa.

Dawuro asay eretiya malatappe ettu wogga Halala Keela.


The king of Dawuro was King Halala.

The people of Dwro are strong like an Elephant.

One of the significant remarks of the People of Dawro is the great wall of king Halala.

date publishedMarch 2, 2023
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