How to Create a Definition?

Creating a definition on our platform is a simple and straightforward process. Follow the steps below to contribute your definition and enrich our community's knowledge base.

✔️ The Create Page:

Click on the "Create Word" or "Define a Word" button. This will load the create page form where you can begin defining a word.

✔️ Select the Language:

Choose or select the language in which you wish to provide the definition. Start Typing to filter and select your language.

✔️ Enter the Word:

Next, type the word you want to define into the designated field. Make sure to enter the word accurately and without any spelling errors.

✔️ Define the Word:

Provide the definition or meaning of the word in the provided text box. Be clear, concise, and accurate in explaining the word's significance and usage.

✔️ Example Sentence:

After defining the word, include an example sentence that demonstrates how the word or phrase can be used in context. This helps users understand its practical application.

✔️ Translation of the sentence:

Next, provide a translation of the example sentence you provided in the previous step. This can be helpful for users seeking a translation in English/Swahili.

✔️ Review and Submit:

Once you are satisfied with your definition, click the "Submit" or "Create" button to submit your entry. Congratulations! Your definition has now been contributed to our platform.

Thank you for taking the time to contribute your knowledge and help expand our community's understanding of various words and languages. Your contributions are highly appreciated.

What a Definition Entails?

To provide you with a comprehensive understanding of what a definition entails on our platform, here are the key details and tips to keep in mind:

What a definition entails

1. Top Definition:

A word can have multiple definitions.

The definition with the most likes and the least dislikes receives the top definition badge.

Tip: Use simple terms that can be easily understood.

2. Language:

Specifies the language of the definition.

Clicking the language loads the language's page, which contains the dictionary and related articles.

Tip: Explore the language pages for further information and related content.

3. Word:

The word being defined.

Clicking the word loads all the definitions of that word.

Tip: Explore different definitions to gain a comprehensive understanding.

4. Meaning:

Provides the meaning of the word.

Tip: Try to provide a detailed explanation for a better understanding of the word.

5. Example:

An example sentence showcasing the word's usage in the specified language.

Tip: Provide an example that includes relevant context.

6. Translation:

Translation of the example sentence into the specified language.

Tip: Aim to provide a precise translation of the example.

7. Share:

Easily share the definition on your social media networks.

8. Tags:

Tags are used to link related definitions. One definition can have multiple tags.

For example, the "Good morning" tag shows definitions in all languages associated with that tag.

Tip: Click a tag to load definitions related to that specific tag.

9. Author:

Specifies the contributor of the definition. Each user has a unique username.

Tip: Try to use shorter usernames for easy recognition.

10. Like/Dislike:

The Like button is used to ensure the best definitions rise to the top and vice versa.

Tip: You are encouraged to like the best definitions to help promote their visibility.

Remember to have fun while contributing and sharing your knowledge on our platform. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!

Types of Definitions

This section of the guide provides you with an understanding of the different types of definitions and their corresponding statuses within our system.

Approved Definitions:

Approved definitions have been reviewed and approved by our moderators. Please note that approval is based on compliance with our terms and conditions, rather than solely on the correctness of the definition. Our priority is to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment for all users.

Pending Definitions:

Pending definitions are currently awaiting approval from our moderators. The approval process typically takes less than an hour. However, please be aware that it may occasionally take longer depending on the availability of our moderation team. We appreciate your patience during this period.

Flagged Definitions:

Definitions may be flagged for various reasons. Some common reasons for flagging a definition include:

  • Incorrect word usage: If the word used in the definition is incorrect or inaccurate.
  • Problematic sentence structure: If the sentence structure of the definition is confusing or unclear, making it difficult for our moderators to understand.
  • Repetition: If the definition is a duplicate or repetition of one you have already submitted. Please disregard this reason if it does not apply to your situation.
  • Viloations of guidelines: If the definition goes against our terms and conditions and privacy policy. It is important to create content that aligns with our guidelines. Creativity and humor are highly encouraged, but ❌ DO NOT harass, discriminate, incite violence, or post personal information.

We encourage you to actively contribute and enjoy the process of enriching our platform with your valuable definitions. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

Happy defining!

Why Definitions Matter for Translators

You might wonder why we require a certain number of definitions before considering someone for translation opportunities. Here's why:

1. Validating Language Proficiency:

By contributing definitions, you demonstrate your understanding and command of the language. This allows us to validate your skills without resorting to unnecessary certifications or imposing burdensome requirements often seen on other platforms.

2. Contributing to Language Learning:

Adding definitions is a noble act. Your contributions help others learn your native tongue, fostering cultural exchange and understanding. It's a way to share your knowledge and passion for your language with the world.

3. Building Your Digital Legacy:

Every definition you add becomes a part of the internet's linguistic history. Your name will be forever associated with the words you define, creating a lasting digital legacy of your language expertise.

4. Demonstrating Commitment:

By taking the time to add definitions, you show your commitment to language preservation and education. This dedication is a valuable trait we look for in our translators.

We're excited to see your definitions and the unique perspective you bring to our language community. Your contributions not only enrich our platform but also pave the way for potential translation opportunities.

Start defining and let your language expertise shine!

Creating and Sharing Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters are a fun and engaging way to practice pronunciation and preserve the playful aspects of language. Here's how to effectively create and share tongue twisters on our platform:

✔️ What Makes a Good Tongue Twister?

A good tongue twister typically has these characteristics:

  • Repetitive Sounds: Uses similar sounds that are challenging to say quickly
  • Short and Memorable: Easy to remember but challenging to say
  • Cultural Context: Often reflects local culture or common scenarios
  • Clear Pronunciation: Despite being tricky, should be clearly pronounceable

✔️ How to Submit a Tongue Twister

Follow these steps to share your tongue twister:

1. Select the Language

Choose the language of your tongue twister from the dropdown menu. Make sure it's the original language of the tongue twister.

2. Write the Tongue Twister

Enter the tongue twister text in its original language. Make sure to use proper spelling and punctuation.

3. Provide a Translation

Add an English translation to help others understand the meaning. While tongue twisters may not translate perfectly, try to capture the general meaning or humor.

4. Add Pronunciation Guide (Optional)

If possible, include a simple pronunciation guide or IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) notation to help others say it correctly.

✔️ Tips for Recording

When recording your tongue twister:

  • Find a quiet environment with minimal background noise
  • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace first, then try faster
  • Keep the recording under 30 seconds
  • Consider recording both slow and fast versions

✔️ Best Practices

To make your tongue twister contribution most effective:

  • Verify that it's a genuine tongue twister from the language
  • Include any cultural context or background if relevant
  • Tag it appropriately to help others find it
  • Engage with comments and help others practice
💡 Pro Tip: Start with shorter tongue twisters and gradually work your way up to longer ones. This helps both in learning and teaching!
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