Common sukuma phrases and their meaning

Sukuma language is the native tongue of my people, the Wasukuma people, the largest ethnic group in Tanzania.

I have compiled a list of commonly used Sukuma words and the equivalent English translations for someone just starting out learning the Sukuma language.


Good morning. Ng’wangaluka.
Good afternoon. Mwadila.
How are you doing? Mwadila mhola?
How are you today? Ulidila ghinehe ilelo?
How was your day? Ja magwa limi ?
I am fine Nali mhola ?
Have a good day Ubhize na lushiku lwa wiza
I am doing great Nalidila jisoga
Hi/Hello Ulimola ?
Nice to meet you Natogwa kugubhona
See you soon Tukwibhona makanza
See you later Tukwibhona badae
Good evening. Mwadila.
How have you been? Ja myaka ?
How is your family? Bha mhola ha ng’wigwano ?
We are good Dhuli mhola pye
We are doing fine Dhuli jisoga gete
How are you? Dhuli mhola ?
How have you woken up? Wamishaga ginehe ?
I woke up safe Namishaga mhola


I love you Nakutogilwe
I miss you Nagukumbulile
Love you so much Nakutogilwe no/gete
I want to see you Nalihaya kugubhona
I love you with all my heart Nakutogilwe mu ng’holo
I love you too Nakutogilwe nane
I like you Nakutogilwe
You are beautiful Uling’wiza
My love Ng’witogwi wane
I miss you so much darling. Nakukumbulaga nong'witogwi wane.
I need you Nalikudaka
You will miss me ugunikumbula
Goodbye my love Tungwibhona ng’witogwi wane
See you tomorrow Tungwibhona ntondo
I will marry you Nagukutola
I want some space Ninhaghe makanza
I need your love Nalidaka witogwi bhoko
You are mine Uli one
I love my wife Nantogilwe nke wane
I love my husband Nantogilwe ngoshi wane
My lovely wife Nke wane ng’witogwi
My lovely husband Ngoshi wane ng’witogwi
The rib of my heart Lhubhazu lo nh’olo yane
I am attracted to you Nadutilwa nang’ho
You are the happiness of my heart Uli bhuyegi bho ng’holo yane
You are my rib Uli lhubhazu lone
Hug me my love Nibhugaghe ng’witogwi
Good night my love Bhujiku wiza ng’witogwi wane


Where are you? Uli hali ?
Where did you go? Oliojaga he ?
Where do you live? Ugikalaga hali ?
Where are you going? Ulija he ?
Where were you? Oli hali ?
Pass through the left Bhitaga ghumoso
Pass through the right Bhitaga ghunila



How much? Hela jinga ?
How are you feeling? Ugwisikiaga ghinehe ?
How have you been? Ulidila ghinehe ?
What is your name? Ulitanwa nani ?
What are you doing? Ulita ki ?
What are you cooking/eating? Ulizuga ki ulilya ki ?
Are you okay dear? Ulimbola ng’witogwa ?
When are you coming? Uliza na nali ?
How was your night? Ubhujiku bhulighenehe ?
How was your day Luli ghinehe ulushiku lwako ?
How are you doing Ulidila ghinehe ?
How is your family U ng’wigwano ghili mhola ?
What is wrong Shida ki ?
What do you mean Ulimaanisha ki ?
How’s the weather over there Ghinehe ihali ya hewa ukunuko?
Have you gone to church Ulijaga ugwisalila ?
What is this Kiyi iji ?
What’s going on Jilendelea ki ?
Are you listening Ulidegeleka ?
Have you heard wigwaga ?
Can I go home Nadula kuja kaya ?
Can I ask something Nakubhuje gintu ?
How is everything? Kinehe jose ?
What's your phone number? Ilikinehe inamba yako ya simu ?
What can I help you with? Nagwambilije ki ?
How old are you? Uli na myaka yinga ?
Where do you work? Uga tumamaga hali ?
Where do you live? Ugigashaga hali ?
You will come at what time? Ugwiza makanza ki ?
When will you come? Ugwiza nanali ?
Have you eaten? Olyaga ?
What are you saying? Ulihaya ginehe ?
Can I get food? Nagudula gupandika shiliwa?
Where is the market? Hali ugwigulilu ?
Can you tell me? Ugudula guniwila ?


Happy birthday Hongera gulushiku lwa kubyalwa
Thank you wabheja
I am sorry samahani
You are welcome Makaribu/tuliho
Me too Chene nane
God bless you Sebha akukilwe
May God protect you Sebha agulinde
She is happy Aliyega
Please help me Nambilijage
I don’t know Nadamanile
I will come tomorrow Nagwiza ntondo
Come here Nzugu aha
Feel at home Isikiage hakaya
Be blessed ukulilwe
I am coming soon Nagwiza
Excuse me samahani
Leave me alone Nitekage
It is okay sawa
I am going home Nalija kaya
I don’t want Naduhayaga
Love is a beautiful thing Witogwi ginhu cha wiza
Let me try Lekaga nageme
Welcome home Tuliho kaya
I reached home safely Nagashiga kaya mhola
God is good Sebha aling’wiza
I don’t understand Nadelelwaga
We are happy to see you Twayegaga kukubhona
I have it Nalinayo
Rest in peace Ifulage mu mhola
I don’t have money Nadina hela
I am done Namalaga
I am going to the shop Nalija kwiduka
Happy new year Ng’waka gwawiza
Bad manners Tabhia mbi
Stop using your phone Lekaga gutumamila simu yako
I need a favour, please Nalilomba ghinu
I haven’t seen you for ages Nadina kubho bho myaka
Great to see you again Jitale gukubhona hangi
I really appreciate it Nalilumba sana
You made my day Uhubheja lushiku lone
No problem Nduhu tabhu
Let us go home Tujage gukaya
I am very tired Nanogaga sana
I have agreed Nazunyaga
I am married Natolilwe
Let's go for a walk. Dujage gujuyela
A big mountain Lugulu tutale
She/he is crying. alilila
She/he is running. Alipela
She/he is playing. Alibhina
I have seen you. Nagubhonaga
I am in pain. nalisata
I am hungry. Natubhile
Who are you? Uli nani?
Who are you with? Uli naki?
What are you carrying? Obhuchaga ki ?
I am lost.? Najimilaga
You are late. odila
You are beautiful. Obhelaga gete
I have dropped a phone. Nagwishaga simu
I am eating. Nalilya
I am cooking. Nalizuga
I have slept. Nalalaga
I am playing. Nalishinya
She/he is cooking. Alizuga
She/he is seated. Wigashaga
I am seated. Nigashaga
I am bathing. Naloga
She/he is digging. Alilima


Prepare the tomatoes. Bhejaga inyanya
Help me with an onion Nalilomba shitungulu
Bring the salt. Enhaga munhu
Put the lemon on the vegetable. Twilaga ilimau ng’wi khubhi
Take the cooking stick. Solaga ndinho
Help me with the knife. Nalilomba lushu
Put little water. Tulaga minzi magehu
Bring the flour. Enhaga bhusu
This rice is good. Ubhuchele ubhu ng’wiza
Take the cooking oil. Solaga maguta
This vegetable is good. Ilikhubhi ili liza


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