learn haya phrases

Haya is a Bantu language spoken in the Kagera region in northwest Tanzania.

If you're just starting to learn Haya, I've compiled a list of commonly used words with their English translations to make mastering the language a breeze. I hope this resource will be helpful in your language journey!


Good morning Agolaileyo
Good afternoon Agasibayo
Good evening Aga ombigolo
How are you? Nogendelela ote?
How are you today? Nogendelela ote mbwenu?
How was your day Wasibamwota?
I am fine Ndige
Have a good day Osibege
I am doing great Ningendelelagi
Hi/Hello Waguma
Nice to meet you Nashemelelwa kutekina neiwe
See you soon Tubonangane kale
See you later Tubonangane hila


I love you Nkwenda
I miss you Nkubulwao
Love you so much Nkwenda mnoo
I want to see you. Nkwetaga
I love you with all my heart Nkwenda hushagao
I love you too Nkwenda nanye
I like you Nkwenda
You are beautiful Iwe mlungi
My love Omgonzibwa wange
I miss you so much, darling Nakubulwa omgonzibwa wange
Goodbye my love mpao omgonzibwa wange
See you tomorrow Tulabonangano nyekya
I will marry you Ndakubona
I want some space Ompe omda
I need your love Ninyenda
You are mine Iwe wange
I love you my wife Mkazi wange omgonzibwa
I love you my husband Msheija wange omgonzibwa
The rib of my heart Olubaju lwa moyo wange
Good night my love O’alega omgonzibwa wange


Where are you? Olinkahi?
Where did you go? Okagendankahi?
Where do you live? Noikala nkaa?
Where are you going? Nogya nkaa?
Where were you? Waba olinkaa?


How much? Amaela ganga?
How are you feeling? Notekeleza ota?
How have you been? Wabaute?
What is your name? Ibala lyawe oliowa?
What are you doing? Wokolaki?
What are you cooking/eating? Nolya/ nochumbaki?
Are you okay dear? Olige omgonzibwa?
When are you coming? Noija maki?
How was your night ? Enilo kyawe kibile kita?
How was your day? Ekilo kyawe kibile kita?
How are you doing? Nogendelela ota?
How is your family? Abawe mbagendelela bata?
How is the weather over there? Ehali yigulu ilyele?
Have you gone to church? Waga kwegashaniza?
What is this? Wabaki?
What’s going on? Nikiwe ekili kugendelela?
Are you listening? Naulila?
Have you heard? Waulila?
Can I go home? Nimbasa kugya omka?
Can I ask you something? Nimbasa kubaza?
How is everything? ehari yawe?
What is your phone number? Nokola nkaa emilimo ?
How old are you? Weine emyaka engaa?
Where do you live? Noikala nkaa?
Have you eaten? Walile?
What are you saying? Nogambaote?


Happy birthday Weiuka nekuzalwa
Thank you Wakola
I am sorry Onganyile
You are welcome Nonyegezibwa
Me too Nanyetyo
God bless you Omkama akubele
May god protect you Omkama akulinde
She is happy Yashemelelwa
Please help me Bojo onjune
I don’t know Timanya
I will come tomorrow Ninyija nyekya
Come here Hija aaha
Feel at home Oyeulile omka
Be blessed Obelwe
I coming soon Ninyija mbwenu aaha
Excuse me Onganyile
Leave me alone Ondeke
It is okay Onganyile
I don’t want Tinkwenda
Love is a beautiful thing Engonzi nizilungi
Let me tray Oleke ndenge
Welcome home Onyegela omka
I reached home safely Ngobilege
God is good Omkama mlungi
I don’t understand Tinkwiamu
We are happy to see you Twashemelelwa kukubona
I have it Nyinayo
Rest in peace Onyame nemilembe
I don’t have money Tinyine maela
I am done Namala
Happy new year Weuka nomwaka
Bad manners Omwenendo gubi
Stop using your phone Oleke kutumia esimu
Great to see you again Nashemelelwa kukubona dindi
I real appreciate it Ninsima mno
You made my day Wakola ekilo kyange
Let us go home Tugende omka
I am very tired Nalemwa mno
I have agreed Neikeliza
I am married Nshwilwe
She/ he is crying Nalila
She/he is digging Nalima
I am bathing Ninyoga
I am playing Ninzana
I am eating Nindya
You are late Wakelelelwa
What are you carrying? Oehile ekiki?
Who are you? Iwe doi?

What next?

Keep going! Learning a language takes consistent practice, but it doesn't have to be difficult. A useful tip is to learn five Haya words every day from the Haya dictionary to improve your skills.

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