Common Akan Phrases

If you are planning a visit to Ghana or any other West African country where the Akan language is spoken, it is highly recommended that you learn at least the basics of the language. This will help you have a fabulous experience while you are there.

Join me on a journey of exploring some of the coolest common phrases - from warm greetings to sweet nothings. Get ready to immerse yourself in the language beats of Ahafo, Akuapem, Akyem, Asante, Asen, Dankyira, and Kwawu. Are you ready to roll? Let's get talking in Twi!


Greetings Nkyea
Good evening. Mema wo adwo
Good morning. Mema wo akye
Good afternoon. Mema wo aha
How are you? Wo ho te sen
How are you today? Wo ho te sen,enne?
I am fine. Meho ye
Have a good day. Nya da pa
I am doing great. Mereye kεsε
Hi/Hello. Hεlo
Nice to meet you. εyε sε mahyia wo
See you soon. Yεbε hyia bio
See you later. Yεbε hyia akiye


I love you. Medowo
I miss you. Mafe wo
Love you so much Me do wo paa ara
I want to see you. Mepε sε mehunu
I love you with all my heart. Mede ma koma nyinaa do wo
I love you too. Me nso medo wo
I want to see you soon Mepε se mihu wo ntem
I like you. Me pε wa asem
You are beautiful. Wohoyεfe
My love. Me do
You look beautiful always Wo ho yε fe bere nyinaa
My beautiful wife. Me yere a neho yefε
I miss you so much, darling. Mekae wo paa medo bako pe
I need you. Mehia wo
You will miss me. Wobεkae me
Goodbye, my love. Akyire me do
See you tomorrow. Okyena yεbεhyia
I will marry you. Meware wo
I want some space. Mepε se metena baabi me nkwaa
I need your love. Mehia wo do
You are mine. Woyε me dea


Where are you? Wow) he?
Where did you go? εhe na wokoe?
Where do you live? Wote he?
Where are you going? He na woreko?
Where were you? Na wowo he?
How much? Sεn?
How are you feeling? Wote nka dεn?
How have you been? Woayε den?
What is your name? Wo din de sen?
What are you doing? Edεn na woreyε?
What are you cooking/eating? Den na worenoa?/ Den na woredi?
Are you okay, dear? Woho ye,odofo?
When are you coming? Bere bεn na woreba?/ wobe ba ebere ben?
How was your night/day? Anadwo no koo sen?
How are you doing? Woho te sen?
How is your family? Wabusua te den?
How was your day? Na wo da no tesεn?
What is wrong? Den na eyε bo ne?
What do you mean? Wope se wokyerε sen?
How's the weather over there? Wim tebea no te sen wo ho?
Have you gone to church? Woako asore ?
What is this? Deεn ni?
What's going on? Den na εko so?/ Den na erekoso?
Are you listening? Wore tie?
Have you heard? So woate ana?
Can I go home? Metumi ako fie?
Can I ask something? Me tumi abisa wo biribi ana?
How is everything? Biriniara te sεn?
What’s your phone number? Den ne wo telefon numa?


Happy birthday Awoda pa
Thank you Me da wo ase/ Meda wo ase pa ara
I am sorry Mepa wo kyεw
You are welcome. Mema wo akwaaba
Me too! Me nso!
God bless you. Nyame nhyira wo
May god protect you. Onyankopon mbo wohu ban
She is happy. N'ani agye
Please help me. Mesrε wo,boame
I don't know. Me nnim
I will come tomorrow. Meba okyεna
Come here! Bra ha!
Feel at home. Te nka se wow) fie
Be blessed. Nya nhyira
I am coming soon. Meereba nnansa yi ara
Excuse me. Ma me kwan
Leave me alone. Gyae me nko
It is okay. Enyε hwee
I am going home. Mereko fie
I don't want. Mempε
Love is a beautiful thing. Odo ye ade a eyε fe
Let me try. Ma memmo moden
Welcome home. Akwaaba ba fie/ Yεma wo akwaaba ba fie
I reached home safely. Mi duu fie dwoodwoo/ Midu fie asimdwoe mu
God is good. Onyankopon yε
I don't understand. mentee aseε
We are happy to see you. Ye ani agye se yεahu wo
I have it. Mewo bi
Rest in peace. Da yie
I don't have money. Minni sika
I am done. Ma wie
I am going to the shop. Meko soto) no mu
Happy New Year. Afihyiapa
Bad manners. Subian boni
Stop using your phone. Gyae wo fon a wode bedi dwuma no
I need a favor, please. Mesrε wo,mihia mmoa bi/ mesrε wo me hia adom bi
I haven’t seen you for ages. Minhu wo nfe pii ni/ Mfe pii ni a minhuu wo
Great to see you again. Okeseε se mesan ahuwo bio
I really appreciate it. Me ani aso no ankasa
You made my day. Wo na woyee me da yie
No problem. Ohia εni ho
Have you eaten it yet? Woadi no de besi nnε
Come let me take you home Bra ma memfa wo nko fie
You are very drunk woabow nsa paa
Can we have the meeting today? Yεbe tumi ayε nhyiam no nne?
Clean my shoes please Mesre wo, siesie me mpaboa
The sun is scorching Ewia no rehyew
I'm going to play football Me deε,meko bo bo)l
Come home early today Bra fie ntem nnε
You don't respect Wuboa adi/ wunni obu
You are a good person Woyε onipa pa
I'm done taking Mewie kassa
Drive safely home Twi kar ko fie dwoodwoo
Bring me food when coming Fa aduan brε me ebre a woreba
The door is locked Woato pon no mu
What are angry about? Den na wo bo afuw?/Aden na wobo efu?
Pick the call fast aw ofrε ni ntεmntem
I have been calling for a long time Mafre mbere tenten
How was work today? Na adwuma te sen nnε?
Drink some water Nom nsu bi
Do you like it? W'ani agye ho?
Do you know how to dance? S) wunim senea wosaw anaa?
You dress very decently Wohyε ntade a efata wo yiye εho ka ye ahe?
How much does it cost?
I will be sleeping early today Mmεda ntem nnε
Pack your bags Fa wo nkotoku ahorow hyehyε mu
Lay the bed Da mpa noso
It's too cold for me Eyε awow doo ma me
The food is spoiled Aduan no asεe
Don't you like my jokes? W'anni nnye masereεem ho ana?
Turn off the light Dum kanea no Eyε hann wo kayi
It's light out here
I don't agree with you on this Me ne wo nye adwene we eyi ho
I have a terrible headache Mewo ty a eyε hu
Thank you for ordering my gig Meda wo ase se wajraa me gig no .
I am grateful Meni aso ankasa
It's all love Ne nyinyaa yε odo nkwaa.

What Next?

Don't pause here. Embracing Twi is a journey that thrives on consistent practice, and the best part? It's simpler than you think. Challenge yourself to conquer at least five Twi words daily.

Oh, and here's a shout-out to those who already know Twi – your contributions to the Akan dictionary can make it even more awesome. Let's all play a part in spreading the beauty of our language!

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