Common Kimeru phrases

Kimeru also known as Kirwa is a Bantu language spoken around Mount Meru area in Tanzania by the Warwa people.

It should not be confused with the Meru language of Kenya.

If you're just starting to learn Kimeru, I've compiled a list of commonly used words with their English translations to make mastering the language a breeze. I hope this resource will be helpful in your language journey!


Good morning Kwa ntwa aree
Good afternoon Kwasindaa aree nsanyii
Good evening Naare ta ukwaywi
How are you? Ukendelea aree?
How are you today? Ukendeleare rinu?
How was your day? Kwasinda aree?
Have a good day Kusinde kisha siku
Nice to meet you Namfura dei ikwania nawe
I am doing great Nnkendelea kisha
I am fine Niifo kisha dei
We are fine Tiifo kisha dei tuose
Have a good day Tisinde kisha siku ya nnu
I am doing well Nnkendelea kisha den
See you soon Tikwanie baadae
Hi/ Hello Naare/ kwiifo kisha
See you soon Tukwanie baadae
See you later Tikwanie baadae ii


I love you. Nkukundie
I miss you Nakutura
I love you so much Nkukundie dei
You are beautiful Sura yafo nshishaa
I want to see you Ntinywa ikulolilia
I love you with all my heart Nkufurie dei
I love you too nkufurie asili
I like you nkufurie
I love you my fried Nku furie dei ndoo yaka
I need you Nkutinywa
You will miss me Tikwania ndesi
See you tomorrow Tikwania ndesi
Goodbye, my love Tisindiswa sanja kwa
I will marry you Nkoraa
I want some space Shininga feeri
I love you, my wife Nkufurie dei nnka wakwa
I love you, my husband Nkufurie miakwa
goodnight my love Tamua kwasha ndoo yakwa
Your mine Iwe kuki wakwa


Where are you? Kukekwii?
Where did you go? Kweenda kwii?
Where are you going? Kukeenda kwii?
Where do you live? Kurule kwii?
Where were you? Kukee kurii?


How much? Mbesa inga?
How are you feeling? Kukusaria chii?
How have you been? Kwa vachi?
Where do you live? Kurule kwii?
What’s your name? Irina lafo kuwango miito?
What are you cooking/ eating? Kukeeka chii ?/ kukela chii?
What are you doing? Kukerunda chii?
Are you okay dear? Kwiifo kisha sanjaa kwaa?
When are you coming? Kwikeesha irichi?
How was your night? Kwiifo aree chioo?
What is wrong? Naare roo?
How is your family? Voma vafo vakeendelea aree?
How was your day? Nkonu wafo ukee aree?
How are you doing? Kukeendelea aree?
What do you mean? Kukusarie chii?
Have you gone to church Kweenda kisoma?
What is this? Nchiichi ichii?
Whats going on? Nchichi kukemnda?
Are you listening? Kwiesile?
Have you heard? Kwamiita?
Can I go home? Nmaachi yeenda chini?
Can I ask something? Nmaachi yuraa kindo?
What’s your phone number? Namba yafo ya simu niingai?
How many children do you have? Kuore vana venga?
Are you married? Kwamoraa?
What’s your father’s name? Baba afo avangwa niito?
What’s your mother‘s name? Mama afa avangwa niito?


Thank you Ekaa
I am sorry Shililia
You are welcome Karibu
Me too Nnii tee
God bless you Iruva akuninge mbora
May God protect you Sheeleka na kutereva
She/he is happy Annfara
Please help me Sheeleka nakutereva
I don’t know Niishi ndii
I will come tomorrow Nkeesha ndesi
Come here Orishoo iyaa
Feel at home Kufee kuke chini
Be blessed Ningwa mbora
I am coming soon Nkeesha feeri nfaasha ndii
Leave me alone shireeya
It is okay nnkuro
Excuse me shililia
I am going home Nkeenda chen
I don’t want Ntiinywa ndii
Let me try Reeya njaribu
Welcome at home Karibu cheni
I reached home safely Ndefika kisha chenii
God is good Imva nikunda
I don’t understand Namfura dei ikulolia
We are happy to see you Tamfura dei ikulolia
I am happy to see you Namfura dei ikulolia
I have it Noore
I don’t have money Noore ilerindii
I am done Namaa
I am going to the shop Nkeenda dukei
Rest in peace Imuya kwa ifura
Stop using your phone Reeya ikumia simu yalewa
I am going to the shop Nkeenda dukei
Happy new year Neefitwa mwaka muuya
Bad manners Kuore mikaae mikasha
I need a favour, please Nkekutereva sheelekia
Haven’t seen you for ages Nkwandii ndindi
Greater to see you again Nkee ana deii kulolia lingi
I really appreciate it Nkeena dei
No problem Lifo shida ndi

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