Learn Suba Phrases

Ekisuba/va is one of the native Bantu languages in Kenya. with those who speak it living majorly in the South Nyanza region of the Country. The language is also spoken in the Mara region of Tanzania. The Abasuba are found in both Kenya and Tanzania.

Suba language has its grammatical guidelines. In this article, you will learn phrases and how to use them in day-to-day life.

In the Suba language, V, B, BH, and W are interchangeable or intertwin together in a word or in the plural form. A speaker can pronounce a word fully, the listener can grasp a single or double or triple word in it. We have vowels with double words and single words.

Double vowels ‘aa’ ‘, ee’ ‘, oo ‘, ii’ ‘, uu’.

Single vowels a e i o u.

The main parts of speech are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

Check out a few examples of pronoun usage below.


Milk: Amaveere / Amabeere / Amabheere / Amaweere. “(Amabhvweere)”

Children: Avaana / Abaana / Abhaana / Awaana. “(Abhvwaana)”

Good: Vuya / Buya / Bhuya. “(Bhvuya)”

The presence of either a single or double vowel can alter the meaning of a word.


Okumanya - To Know

Okumaanya – To pull off

More examples:

Okuaamba, Okukeeria, amiiso, Buroothu, Ekisuunthi.

In this article, I share two of Suba's most common dialects, the Ekisuba and Olusuba dialects.


Good evening

Response to good evening: Good evening

Vurirriri / Vurira (B, BH, V, W) Response: Vurirriri / Vurira Wuirre
Good morning.

Response to good morning: Good morning

Vukieye / Vukiere (B, BH, V, W)

Response: Vukieye muno / Vukiere muno

How have you woken up?

Response to how have you woken up: I’ve woken up well

Oramukiri igake.

Response: Ndamukiri Vuroothu. (B, BH, V, W)

How have you woken up?

Response to how have you woken up: I’ve woken up well


Response: Ndae or buya warae.

Good afternoon. (From 9:00 to 16:00)

Response to good afternoon: Good afternoon


Response: Wakia

Good afternoon. Omuvasu omuroothu.  
How are you?

Response to how are you: I’m fine

Ogi igake? / Ogia igake?

Response: Ndagia Vuroothu. (B, BH, V, W)

Ogia otie?
How are you today?

Response to how are you today: I’m fine

Reero ogi igake? / Ogi igake reero?

Response: Vuroothu / Vuya. (B, BH, V, W)

Ogia otie reero?
How have you been?

Response to how have you been: I’ve been well

Oongei Igake?

Response: Ng’oongei Vuroothu. (B, BH, V, W)

I am fine. Ndingi Vuroothu. (B, BH, V, W) Ndia geeza / Ndi geeza
Have a good day. Owe ne erigoro eriroothu. Owe no owuirre wulootu
I am doing great. Ndagia Vuroothu (B, BH, V, W) Ngia geeza / Ndi geeza

Response to Hi/Hello: Hi/Hello.


Response: Vuroothu/Vuya/Igano. (B, BH, V, W)

Nice to meet you. Ng’omerewue okunyorona ni iwue./Vuroothu okunyorona ni iwue. (B, BH, V, W) Ni geeza okuagana niwue
See you soon. Thuvoonane igano ang’I./Thumaane igano ang’i. (B, BH, V, W) Tuwonane ampi ano
See you later. Ndacha okukumaaha munyima / Ndacha okukuvoona munyima. (B, BH, V, W)

Ndacha okukumaha enginga indi / Ndacha okukuvoona enginga indi. (B, BH, V, W)

Tuwonane lunyima
We will see each other later. Thuracha okumaahana. / Thuracha okuvoonana. (B, BH, V, W)  

Response to goodbye: Goodbye


Response: kurinde mbe




Love Ovugonchi, or Ovunyanchi (B, BH, V, W)  
I love you Ndakugonchia / Ndakugochiri Nkugonziizie
I miss you Ndingi na amiiga ni iwue./Onthekiria mu-mwoyo Ndi na amiiga niwue/Amiiga gandia niwue
I love you so much Ndakugonchiri vukong’u Nkugonziizie ino
I want to see you Ndagara okukumaaha. / Ndagara okukuvoona (B, BH, V, W) Nyagala okukuwona
I love you with all my heart Ndakugonchia ku-mwoyo ogwane gwoona Nkugonziizie no Omwoyo gwange gwona
I love you too Ndakugonchia ona. / Inchi ona ndakugochia Noona nkugonziizie
I like you Ndakugochiri / ndakuyanchia Nkugonziizie
You are beautiful Oringi omuroothu Ori omudega
My love Omugonchi wane Omugonzi wange
You look beautiful Orikara omuroothu. / oringi omuroothu  
My beautiful wife Omukari wane omuroothu  
I miss you so much, darling Amiiga gandia ni iwue in omugonchi/ Ndakuthekiria vukong’u, omugonchi. (B, BH, V, W) Amiiga gandia niwue in, omugonzi.
I need you Ndakuaagara Nkuagala
You will miss me Oriva na amiiga ninchi. / Ocha okunithekiria. (B, BH, V, W) Oriwa na amiiga ninze.
Goodbye, my love Ekurinde, omugonchi wane Ekurinda, omugonzi wange
See you tomorrow Ndacha okukumaaha munkio Tuwonane enkio
I will marry you Ndacha okukuserera Nyiiza okukukwa / Nyiiza okukuserera
I want some space Ndagara erivaga. (B, BH, V, W) Nyagala iwaga risugre
I need your love Ndagara ovugonchi vuao. (B, BH, V, W) Nyagala Olugonzi lwaao
You are mine Oringi wane Ori wange



Where are you? Oringi aae? Oriai / Ori aai?
Where did you go? Warungiei aae? Owagiai?
Where do you live? Omenyiri aae? Oramenya aae? Omenyerai? / Omenyere aai?
Where are you going? Oragia aae?/Oragenda aae?  
Where were you? Ovainga aae? Owerengai?/Owerenga aai?



How much? Emeka? Ameka?
How are you feeling? Oigwa igake? / Oraigwa igake? Owurra otie?
How have you been? Ovainga igake? / Oongei igake? Omiire okuwa nogia otie?
What is your name? Erina eriao ni iwue? / Oethwa ng’we? Oetwa otie? / Eriina riao naanu?
What are you doing? Orakora ke? Okolaki?
What are you cooking? Orafumba ke? Ofumbaki?
What are you eating? Oraria ke? Oriaki?
Are you okay, dear? Oringi omuoru, omugonchi? / Oringi vuroothu, omugonchi? (B, BH, V, W) Ori geeza, omugonzi?
When are you coming? Oracha magoro ke? Ooza rii?
How was your night? Obuthiko obwao wavanga igake?

Owuirre owuao wavanga igake?

Ogoneere otie? / Owuirre wuaao wuawanga wutie?
How was your day? Oongei igake? Oongeere otie? / omuwasu gwaao gwawanga gutie?
How are you doing? Ogi igake? / Oragia igake? Ogia otie?
How is your family? Eviocheri vao vari igake? Awamunyumba wagia watie?
What is wrong? Nke kivee? Niki kiwiwi?
What do you mean? Ogamba ngo ke? / Oragamba ngo ke? Olaganaki?
How's the weather over there? Emikama kiri ke eyo?/Ekiaro kiri ke eyo?  
Have you gone to church? Ogieiri mukanisa?  
What is this? Kino n’ke?  
What's going on? N’ke kiragia embere o?  
Are you listening? Kane, oraigwa?  
Have you heard?

Can I go home?

Kane, ukiegure?/Kane origuri?

Kane, ndanyara okugia munyumba?

Can I ask something? Ndanyara okuvooria ekinthu?  
How is everything? Evinthu vioona viri igake?

Kira ekinthu kiri igake?

What's your phone number? Enamba eyao eye esimu ni ke?  


Happy birthday Ngomerewue erigoro erio okuivurwa kwao.
Thank you Okorriri vuroothu/Okorriri vuya/Igaoo (B, BH, V, W)
I am sorry Ng’ora
You are welcome Osoiriwue
Welcome Ang’i
Me too! Inchi ona! / nakava inchi!
God Enonkwe / Eng’aanga / Katonda / Waryubha
God bless you Enonkwe ekukavere
May god protect you Enonkwe ekurinde
She is happy Aomeremuwe
Please help me Thugira nthurie
I don't know Manyiri de
I will come tomorrow Ndacha okuchra munkio
Come here! Icha rwano / Icha ano
Feel at home Ndingwa muisoiri munyumba
Be blessed Enkavi ekukavere
I am coming soon Ndaacha igano wuangu
Excuse me Thigira
Leave me alone. Nthige omwene / Nthige omwene ngo
It is okay Ni igao
I am going home Ndagia yieka / Ndagia Yiika / Ndagia iika
I don't want Nyagara de
Love is a beautiful thing Ovugonchi ne ekinthu ekiroothu / Ovuyanchi ne ekinthu ekiroothu. (B, BH, V, W)
Let me try Thiga n’geerenia
Welcome home Ang’i munyumba
I reached home safely Ndikiri munyumba vuroothu / Ndikiri yiika vuroothu. (B, BH, V, W)
God is good Eng’aanga Endoothu / Enonkwe Endoothu
I don't understand Nga’manyiri de / Manyiri de
We are happy to see you Thuomereuwe okukumaaha / Thuomereuwe okukuvoona. (B, BH, V, W)
I have it Ndingi nakio. / Ndege nakio
Rest in peace Oesesa no ovusauthuthu. / Oesesa no omurembe
I don't have money Ndavura amasendi
I am done Mariri
I am going to the shop Ndagia muduuka
Happy new year Omwaka Omwemereri Omuyia Omuroothu
Bad manners Obukeri obuveeve (B, BH, V, W)
Stop using your phone Thiga okuroosya esimu esiao
I need a favour, please Ndaagara enkavi, nthugire
Haven't seen you for ages Nkiari kumaaha ku emiaka emiaru. / Nkiari kuvoona ku emiaka emiaru (B, BH, V, W)
Great to see you again Ng’omereuwe okukuvoona kandi / Ng’omerewue okukumaaha kandi (B, BH, V, W)
I really appreciate it Ndiraniria vukong’u (B, BH, V, W)
You made my day Okorriri erigoro eriane/Oumereuwe erigoro eriane
No problem Amanyakio garavurao(B, BH, V, W)



  • Amaguge ne evikene vavarigwa igano omunthu yavanga yawakenya okureka omugundu ogwe eviduuma yaakua, Vaomererwa okuomererwa okunene.

    Omwaka ogwa ronda ko, eviduuma vyanyoreka de. Vavanyora ngo vavanga no okusuu, igao omunthu yaakua yavanga omurimi.

    When the Baboons and Monkeys heard that the Man who used to chase them away from the maize field had died, they hysterically celebrated.

    The following year, there was no maize, that is when they painfully realized the dead man was the farmer.

    • Omunthu onyara okuanga omuandu ogwe Ekiaro no omukiri owa omuwene.

      One who can renounce Worldly assets is truly the winner.

      • Omwana owe Ensaariru aria de enyinyi.

        The baby hawk does not eat vegetables.

        • Okuvooria ng'a ovumaya de.
          To ask is not stupidity.
        • Owaagara okuria embiichi, chogora omunoru.
          If you want to eat a pig, choose a fat one.
        • Enthebe nga'muaa de omunthu.
          Sitting on the chair all day, does not provide sustenance.
        • Nsanukure ni kusanukura.
          Uncover me, I uncover you.

What Next?

Keep going. Consistent practice is essential for learning a language, but it doesn't have to be difficult. The most effective strategy is to learn at least five new Suba words from the Suba dictionary every day.

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