Hi there, curious traveller!

Interested in picking up some Wolof?

Whether you’re exploring the streets of Dakar or just want to connect with Wolof speakers, learning a few key phrases can make all the difference.

This guide is packed with everyday expressions, from simple greetings to handy questions and warm words of affection.

No need to worry about complex grammar—these phrases are easy to learn and fun to use. So, let’s dive into the world of Wolof and start chatting like a local!

Greetings in Wolof

English Wolof
Good evening. Ñu fanan ak jàam
Good morning. Assalamalekum
Good afternoon. Ñu yéndu ak jàam
How are you? Na nga def?
How are you today? Na nga déf tey?
I am fine. Ma ngi fi - Ma ngi ci jàam
Have a good day. Yéndul ak jàam
I am doing great. Ma ngi ci jàam bu baax
Hi/Hello. Assalamalekum
Nice to meet you. Bégg naa ci gis la
See you soon. Ba fann yi
See you later. Ba ci kanam

Love Language in Wolof

English Wolof
I love you. Bëgg na la
I miss you. Namm naa la
Love you so much. Bëgg naa la torop
I want to see you. Dama la bëgga gis
I love you with all my heart. Bëgg naa la sama bir xol
I love you too. Bëgg naa la tamit
I want to see you. Dama la bëgg a gis
I like you. Dama la bëgg
You are beautiful. Rafeet nga - da nga rafeet
My love. Sama xol
You look beautiful. Ya ngi rafeet
My beautiful wife. Sama jabar bu rafeet bi
I miss you so much, darling. Naam na la torop, sama xol
I need you. Dama la soxla
You will miss me. Dina la naam
Goodbye, my love. Ba benen yoon, sama xol
See you tomorrow. Ba suba
I will marry you. Dina la tàkk
I want some space. Dama soxla sama bopp
I need your love. Dama soxla sa bëggeel
You are mine. Sama yëf nga

Directions in Wolof

English Wolof
Where are you? Foo nékk?
Where did you go? Foo demoon?
Where do you live? Fan nga dëkk?
Where are you going? Fann ngay dem?
Where were you? Fan nga nekk?

Common Questions in Wolof

English Wolof
How much? Ñatta?
How are you feeling? Na nga def?
How have you been? Naka nga def?
What is your name? Noo tuddu?
What are you doing? Lan ngay def?
What are you cooking/eating? Lan ngay togg/lekk?
Are you okay, dear? Ya ngi ci jàam, sama xarit?
When are you coming? Kañ ngay ñëw?
How was your night/day? Naka sa guddi/suba?
How are you doing? Na nga def?
How is your family? Naka sa wa kër?
How was your day? Naka nga yéndoo?
What is wrong? Lu xéw?
What do you mean? Loo bëgga wax?
How's the weather over there? Naka jawwu ji? - Naka kilima bi?
Have you gone to church? Ndax demon nga sa jangu ba?
What is this? Li lan la?
What's going on? Lan mo xéw?
Are you listening? Ya ngi mey dégglu?
Have you heard? Dégg nga?
Can I go home? Mën naa ñibbi?
Can I ask something? Mën naa la laaj dara?
How is everything? Naka mbir yi?
What’s your phone number? Lan moy sa nimero telefon?

Everyday Conversations in Wolof

English Wolof
Happy birthday Bés bu dellu ci moo néex
Thank you Jërëjëf
I am sorry Balma
You are welcome. Ñokko bokk
What’s up? Lu bees?
What’s new? Lu bees?
Congratulations War na nga
I am hungry Dama xiif
I am thirsty Dama mar
I am tired Dama sonn
Come in Dëgg sa kaw
I don’t know Xamaatuma
Take care Di na la jàpp
God bless you Yalla na la barke
I will call you Dina la woote
What time is it? Ñaata waxtu?
What are you doing today? Loo di def tey?
Good job Liggey bi baax na
I am coming Ma ngi ñëw
I am leaving Ma ngi dem
Wait for me Dalal ma
What did you say? Loo waxoon?
Do you want to eat? Dama bëgg lekk
How is your mother? Naka sa yaay?
How is your father? Naka sa baay?
Come and eat Naa lekk
Let's go Ñu dem
I have to go Fàww na ma dem
I am going to work Ma ngi dem liggéey
Do you want to sleep? Ndax bëgg nga nelaw?
I am going to sleep Ma ngi dem nelaw
It is hot Taangaay la
It is cold Sedd na
It is raining Tud na
I am happy Dama bég
I am sad Dama déem
Don't worry Bul goor goorlu
Good night Fanaan ak jàmm
Let's eat Ñu lekk
See you later Ba ci kanam
I don’t understand Degglu ma xamuma
Can you help me? Mën nga ma dimbali?
I am lost Dama réew
I am here Ma ngi fii
I am busy Dama ñaw
I am coming back Dina ma dellu
Go ahead Dàq
It’s okay Là nga yàgg
Are you ready? Ndax am nga napp?

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