Taznatit Language

Taznatit also known as Zenati or Znatiya or Zenatia or Zenete or Shilha or Garawa is a severely endangered language spoken in Gourara (Tigurarin) region, a surrounding the town of Timimoun in southwestern Algeria..

Taznatit language has approximately 18,500 native speakers.

A person who speaks Taznatit is known as Taznatit,Tigurarine.

The language has 2 dialects; Touat and Gourara.

The Taznatit bear many similarities with other Afro Asiatic berberians of the Touat and Tidikelt.Together they form what's known as Foggaras oases, known for their skilful desert agricultural practices of growing date palms in the Saharan desert of Algeria.

This arrangement also influenced the social structure of the communities. Each oasis has a small walled hamlet known as a ksour (singular ksar or gsar).

Additionally, there are a few forts (kasbahs), most of which are deserted. The capital of Gourara and one of the most beautiful Saharan oases, Timimoun Oasis, is also known as "the red oasis" because of the colour of its dwellings. It has a historic city and palm farms. It serves as the hub for several little oases grouped into subregions, including Tinerkouk, Swami, Tagouzi, Aougrout, and Deldoul.

Also of interest to them are the Ksours of Messin, El Gasba, and Tlalit. Additionally, Ouled Saad Oasis, with its fouggara and wise utilization of water, is a prehistoric societal structure, 


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