Nyamwezi phrases


Nyamwezi is a Bantu language spoken in the Kigoma, Rukwa and Tabora regions of Tanzania by the Nyamwezi people.

For beginners seeking to learn Nyamwezi, I've put together a helpful list of commonly used Nyamwezi words along with their English translations. With this resource, you'll be well on your way to mastering the basics of the language.


Good morning Habari ya ndiyu
Good afternoon Habari yalemi
How are you doing? Ulendea kinehe?
How are you today? Ulendea kinehe lelo?
How was your day? Wadila kinehe?
I am fine Naili mola
Have a good day Uwi na lwisu lusoga
I am doing great Nelendelea soga
Hi/ Hello Ulimola ?
Nice to meet you Natogwa sana kusanja nanho
See you soon Twiwone nshiku jiniji
See you later Twiwone badae
Good evening Habari jaminda
How have you been? Habari janshiku nyinge?
How is your family? Familia yako ya mola ?
We are good Isewose tulimola
We are doing fine Tulendelea kisoga
How are you ? ulimola?
How have you woken up? Wamisha kinehe?
I woke up well Namisha mola


I love you Nakutogwa
I miss you nalikugahiwa
Love you so much Nakutogwa sana
I want to see you Nalikwitaji
I love you with all my heart Nakutogwa kudhati
I love you too Nakutogilwe nane
I like you Nakutogwa
You are beautiful Wewe ulimsoga
My love Mpenzi wane
I miss you so much darling Nakugahiwaga sana mpenzi wane
Goodbye my love Kwaheli mpenzi wane
See you tomorrow Tukwiwona igolo
I will marry you Nakukutola
I want some space Nipage mda
I need your love Naliitaji mapenzi gako
You are mine Bebe uliwane
I love my wife Mkima wane mtogwa
I love husband Mgoshi wane
The rib of my heart Luwazu lwamoyo gwana
I am attracted to you Navutiwa nanha
You are the happiness of my heart Wewe fulaha yamoyo gwana
Hug me, my love Nikumbatilage mpenzi wane
Good night my love Ukumisha malampenz wane


Where are you? Uli mahe?
Where did you go? Waliwajaga mahe?
Where do you live? Ulikala mahe?
Where are you going? Witaga kulila?
Where were you? Wali mahe?


How much? Hela zinga?
How are you feeling? Ulikala mahe?
How have you been? Wawi kinehe?
What’s your name? Lina lyako nani?
What are you doing? ulitaki?
What are you cooking/eating ? Ulilya ulizuga ki?
Are you okay dear? Ulimala mpendwa?
When are you coming? Uliza nanali?
How was your night ? Uziku wako wali kinehe?
How was your day? Lwisu lwako lwali kinehe?
How are you doing? Ulendelea kinehe?
How is your family? Familia yako ilendelea kinehe?
What’s wrong? Kwini shida ki?
What do you mean? Ulimanisha ki?
How is the weather over there? Haliyaanga ilikinehe?
Have you gone to church? Waja kukanisa?
What’s is this? Shidaki kwani?
What’s going on? kikilendelea?
Are you listening? ulidekeleka?
Have you heard? uligwa?
Can I go home? Nakweja kuja kaya?
Can I ask something? Nakuweja kuwaja kinu?
How is everything? Mambo kinehe?
What’s your phone number? Inamba yako yasimu ya kinehe?
What can I help you with? Nakwambilije ki?
How old are you? Wina miaka mingapi?
Where do you work? Ulituma milimoki?
Where do you live? Uliishi mahe?
You will come at what time? Ukwiza sangapi?
When will you come? Ukwiza nanali?
Have you eaten? Walyaga?
What are you saying? Uliyomba kinehe?
Can I get food? Nakweja kupata chakulya?
Where is the market ? Sokoni ivi mahe?
Can you tell me? Ukuweja kuniwila?


Happy birthday Heri yakulwaliwa
Thank you wabeja
I am sorry samahani
You are welcome ulikalibishwa
Me too Nene ahaa
God bless you Mungu akujalie
May god protect you Mungu akulinde
She is happy watogwa
Please help me Thamahani na mbilijage
I don’t know nazimililwe
I will come tomorrow Nakwiza igolo
Come here Zogo ahaa
Feel at home Iskiage hakaya
Be blessed ujaliwe
I am coming soon Nakwiza nshiku jiniji
Excuse me samahani
Leave me alone Nilekage
It is okay Nakahaile
I am going home Mpenzi kinu kisoga
I don’t want Nakahaile
Love is a beautiful thing Mpenzi kinu kisoga
Welcome home Kaliwa kaya
I reached home safely Nashiku kaya mala
God is good Mungu ng’wema
I don’t understand Nakuelelagwa
We are happy to see you Twa togwa kuku wona
I have it Ninayo
Rest in peace Pumzikaga naamani
I don’t have money Naligele hela
I am done Namalaga
I am going to the shop Nalija kwiduka
Happy new year Hili ya ng’waka mpya
Bad manners Tabia mbi
Stop using your phone Lekaga kutumila simu
Great to see you again Natogwakukuwone hangi
I really appreciate it Waweja sana
You made my day Walwila lwisu lwane
No problem Nduhu tatizo
Let us go home Tujage kaya
I am very tired Nazowaga sana
I have agreed Nazunyaga
I am married natolilwe
Let’s go for a walk Tujage kaya
A big mountain Mlima mhanya
She/ he is crying Alilila
She/he is digging Alilima
I am bathing Naloga
I am seated nikalaga
I am playing Nalishinya
I am eating Nalilya
You are late Wakeleja
What are you carrying ? Wasombaga ki?
Who are you? Bebe nani?
I am hungry Nina nzala
I have seen you Nakuwona

What Next?

To become fluent in a language, consistent practice is key. However, it doesn't have to be overwhelming. The simplest and most effective approach is to focus on learning five Nyamwezi words daily from the Nyamwezi dictionary.

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