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eitubirieki elde ngoti enchoni enker,keishoru enkiruwuaj tenakata enkijape.


That coat is made from the skin of a sheep.it really can keep you warm in this cold weather.

By juliet
date publishedOctober 17, 2019

  • Definition 2




Eramatare oo ntare,enkuruwe, enker naa esia etipat oleng amuu keishoyo endaa,naa keishoyo siaitin too laramatak.ore lelo otii abori naa keitodolu karsisisho neishoyo enteri napiki ilchapai neitumia anaa ntoki nanapishoreki. Keramati enker tenkaraki ilpapit lenyenak oo tenkaraki nkiri.


The raising of cattle, pigs and sheep is an important activity since it provides food,is also a source of income employment among the pastoral community. For low income producers, livestock also serve as a store of wealth, and provide organic fertiliser for crop production and a means of transport.Sheep are kept for their wool or for their meat.

By juliet
date publishedJuly 28, 2022
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