Abawanga phrases

Abawanga, a Luhya sub-tribe, just like any other language, comprises a rich vocabulary. The meaning of words varies depending on who, when and where used. The Wanga are a cheerful and welcoming lot, as can be seen through their vocabularies.

Greetings in Luhya - Abawanga.

Abawanga/Wanga/Oluwanga greatly value greetings, and you will be frowned upon if you pass by a person without offering a handshake or throwing in a verbal greeting. The Wanga have diverse salutations with different responses depending on when one makes them and the occasion. It also depends on the age, closeness, camaraderie and relationship between the people involved. Here are some of the commonly used salutations.

English Oluwanga(Luhya)
Good evening our guests. Bwakhera mwesi bacheni befu.
Response: Good night/evening to you. Bwakhera mnoo.
Good morning my son. Busheree mwana wanje.
Response: Good morning Dad/ Mum Busheree mnoo Papa/ Mama
Good afternoon church. Keshitere libukana.
Response: Good afternoon Pastor. Keshitere omukambii.
How are you my niece? Oli orie omwiwa wanje?
Response: I am fine uncle. Endisa omulamu khotsa.
How was your night? Okonile orie nyangaino
Response: My night was just fine Engonile obulayi
I am fine. Endisa mulamu
Have a good day. Obee nende inyanga indayi
I am doing just great. Nendeleasa obulayi.
How are you my inlaw? Mulamwa Orie?
Response: I am fine inlaw. Ataa, endisa umulamu mulamwa.
Nice to meet you. Nobulayi khukutana inawe.
See you soon my friend. Khulolane ambisa ano omwitsa

Love words in Luhya - Abawanga.

English Abawanga(Luhya)
Daughter to my mother-in-law, I love you! Ndakhuchama mwana wa nakhufiala.
I miss you deeply my love Ekhwikomba shipensi shianje.
I love you so much sweetheart. Ndakhuchama lukali omwoyo kwanje.
I want to see you beautiful. Ndenya okhulola eshiombo.

I love you in luhya

e.g. I love you with all my heart.


e.g Ndakhuchama nende mwoyo kwanje kwosi.

I love you too darling. Siesi ndakhuchama eshiombo .
I want to see you dear. Ndenyakho okhulola owanje.

I like you

e.g I like you my friend.


e.g Ndakhuyanza omwitsa wanje.

You are so beautiful my lady. Oli mulayi omukhaye wanje.
My beautiful wife you are a flower. Mukhasi wanje mulayi oli liua.

I miss you in luhya

e.g I miss you so much darling.


e.g Ekhwikomba sana omukhayewanje.

I need you Ekhwenya.
You will miss me but I will be back Olanzikomba lakini ndalachelela.
Goodbye, my love Otsie bulayi mukherwa wanje.
I will marry you my dear Nalakhuteshia omwoyo kwanje.
I need your love Ndenya obuyanzi bwo.
You are mine till death Oli wanje okhula okhufwa.

Directions in Abawanga

English Abawanga(Luhya)
Where are you Dad? Oli yena Papa?
Where did you go after church? Otsirenje yena ?
Where do you live? Omenyanga yena?
Where are you bound? Otsitsanga yena?

Common questions in Luhya-Abawanga.

English Abawanga(Luhya)
Where were you? Obenjanga yena?
How much are these tomatoes? Tsinyanya tsino ni tsinga?
How are you feeling today? Wiulira orie nyangaino?
How have you been? Waverenje orie?
What is your name? Lira liawo ni wina?
What do you do for a living? Okholanga shina?
What are you cooking/eating? Otekhanga shina/Olitsanga shina?
Are you okay dear? Oli vulayi, mukheria?
When are you coming? oletsa nyanga shina?
How was your night/day? Shiro shawo shivere shirie/Inyanga yawo ivere irie?
How are you, my brother in law? Wendelea orie mukhwasi?
How is your family? bewenyu bali barie?
How was your day? Inyanga yao ibere irie?
What is wrong? Shina shivi?
What do you mean? Omanishinja shina?
How is the weather over there? Lihanga lililirie eyo?
Have you gone to church? Othire mulikanisa?
What is this? Shino ni shina?
What's going on in my home? Shina shitsiriranga mulwanyi mwanje?
Are you listening? Owuliranga mana?
Have you heard of it? Owulire?
Can I go home? Enyala khutsia ingo?
Can I ask something? Enyala okhureba eshindu?
How is everything? Buli shindu shili shirie?
What's your phone number? Inamba yawo yisimu nishi?

Everyday conversations in Luhya-Abawanga

English Abawanga(Luhya)
Happy birthday Inyanga indayi yokhwibulwa.
Thank you Orio mnoo.
I am sorry I picked up your call Engosere khutila isimu yo ndeshera.
You are most welcome again Okaribishwa khandi.
I am also interested Siesi endimo?
God bless you. Nyasaye akhumete tsikhavi.
May God protect you Nyasaye akhulinde.
She is so happy to have a baby Asangalire po okhunyola omwana.
Please help me. I am stuck Nochama khonya, endiishe.
I don't know what is troubling you Engorwa, shikhunyasinjia neshi.
I will come tomorrow if it doesn't rain Ndaletsa mutsuli nilakwa ta.
Come here. I would like to send you Itsa ano,nenya okhukhuruma.
Feel free, feel at home Wiulire khuba mulekhule.
Be blessed abundantly Onyole tsikhabi tsinyinji.
I am coming soon Ndaletsa ambisa ano.
Excuse me, where do you come from Mbuliraa, orulanga yena.
Leave me alone Ndekhana embe.
It's okay Bwosi ni bulayi.
I'm going home Enzitsanga ingo.
I don't want Sindenya tawe.
Love is a beautiful thing. Khuchamana ni shindu shilayi.
Let me try Lekha endemekho.
Welcome home Huhukaribisha ingo.
I reached home safely. Ndolere ingo bulayi.
God is good Nyasaye ni mulayi.
I don't understand Sindelewanga tawe.
We are happy to see you. Khusangalire okhulola.
I have it, let us move. Endi nasho, khutsie.
Rest in peace Grandpa Owulushe bulayi kuka.
I am broke. I don't have money. Eshialo shiumile, embula mapesa tawe.
I am done with weeding Emalire eliaka.
I am heading to the market. Enzitsanga khushiro.
Happy new year people of God Khwihoyere mwaka muyakha bana ba Nyasaye.
Bad manners Emima emibii.
Desit using your phone in the meeting Lekha khwikhonyera isimu mumkutano.
I need a favor, please Ndenya bukhonyi nochama.
Haven't seen you for ages Niluono nindalahulolanga tawe.
Great to see you again my sister Ni bulayi okhulolakho omukoko.
Really appreciate it Boss Orio sana mukhongo.
You have made my day. Ochirire inyanga yanje yawa obulayi.
No problem, even a meal will do! Obubii buumao, niumba nendia!


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