Ngoni is a Bantu language spoken in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia by the Ngoni people.
This post presents a list of common Ngoni phrases with English translations to help beginners learn the language for cultural appreciation or communication. It aims to make language learning an enjoyable experience.
Good morning |
Habari za lukela |
Good afternoon |
Habari za Muhi |
Good evening |
Habari za jioni |
How are you today? |
Uyumwikihuli? |
How was your day? |
Uyendelela huli? |
How are the kids? |
Bhana vazima? |
Have a good day |
Uyendelela huli |
I am doing great |
Ushindi huli |
I am fine |
Nili salama |
We are fine |
Tete tavoa tabhazima |
Have a good day |
Uvyai na siku njema |
How is grandmother doing? |
Bibi yendelela huli? |
I am doing well |
Niyendela bwina |
We all woke up well |
Tavoa tuyumwiki bwina |
Hello |
Hujambo |
Nice to meet you |
Nifuraili kukonganeka na bheve |
See you soon |
Tikonganeka karibuni |
See you later |
Tikonganekai badaye |
How’s your family? |
Familia yako izima? |
How is the patient doing? |
Mgonjwa yiendelela huli? |
Are your parents fine? |
Bhazazi hazima? |
We woke up safely |
Tiyumuki salama |
Bye, see you tomorrow |
Kwaheri tionana chilau |
Greet them all |
Wasalimilai voa |
I love you |
Nikugani |
I miss you |
Nikukosa |
Love you so much |
Nikugani sana |
I need you |
Nikuitaji |
I love you with all my heart |
Nikugani kwa dhati |
I love you too |
Nikugani pia |
You are beautiful |
Veve mzuri |
I love you my friend |
Nikugani rafiki yangu |
I need you |
NNikuitaji |
You will miss me |
Yati unikosa |
Goodbye my friend |
Kwaheri rafiki yangu |
See you tomorrow |
Yati tukonganeka chilau |
I want some space |
Nipela muda |
You have a good shape |
Una umbo la bwina |
I love you, my wife |
Nikugani mdala wangu |
I love you, my husband |
Nikugani mdala wangu |
Goodnight my love |
Usiku wema mpenzi wangu |
Your mine |
Bheve ni wangu |
Where are you? |
Uvi hoki? |
Where did you go? |
Ukaambili koki? |
Where are you going? |
Kuamba koki? |
Where do you live? |
Utama hoki? |
Where were you? |
Ukavili koki? |
Which side are you sitting on? |
Utamili upande gani? |
How much? |
Shingapi? |
Where do you live? |
Utama koki? |
How have you been? |
Uvi uli? |
How are you feeling? |
Uisi kiki? |
What’s your name? |
Jina lako yani? |
What are you doing? |
Kukita kiki? |
What are you cooking? |
Uteleka kiki? |
When are you coming? |
Ubwela ndali? |
How was your night? |
Usiku wako wakaviuli? |
How was your day? |
Siku yako yakaviuli? |
How are you doing? |
Uliyendele huli? |
How is your family? |
Familia yako iyendela huli? |
What is wrong? |
Kiki shida? |
What do you mean? |
Umanisha kiki? |
How’s the weather over there? |
Hali ya anga ili huli? |
Have you gone to church |
Uwambi kusali? |
What is this? |
Hichi chikiki? |
What's going on? |
Chikiki chiyendelela? |
Are you listening? |
Upilikisa? |
Have you heard? |
Upiliki? |
Can I go home? |
Niweza kuhamba kunyumba? |
Can I ask something? |
Niweza kukukota chindu? |
Whats your phone number? |
Namba ya simu iyoki? |
How many kids do you have? |
Unabhana ngapi? |
Are you married? |
Ugegiwi? |
What’s your father’s name? |
Dadu wako ikemelewa yani? |
What’s your mother’s name? |
Mama wako ikemelewa yani? |
What time will you leave? |
Yati uuka sangapi? |
Do you know how to read? |
Umanyile kusoma? |
Happy birthday |
Heri ya kuzaliwa |
Thank you |
Asante |
I am sorry |
Samahani |
You are welcome |
Karibu |
Me too |
Nane pia |
God bless you |
Mungu akubariki |
May God protect you |
Mungu akulinde |
She/he is happy |
Afurahili |
Please help me |
Tafadhali nisaidie |
I don’t know |
Nimanyilepa |
I will come tomorrow |
Chati nibwela chilalu |
Come here |
Bwela hapa |
Feel at home |
Karibu kunyumba |
Be blessed |
Ubarikiwe |
I am coming soon |
Nibwela inu |
Leave me alone |
Nilekai |
Excuse me |
Samahani |
I don’t want |
Bwitu |
Let me try |
Linda nijaribu bwai |
Welcome home |
Karibu kunyumba |
I am happy to see you |
Nifurahili kukuona |
I don’t have money |
Nina ela lepa |
I am done |
Nimaliza |
I am going to the shop |
Niambe kuliduka |
Happy new year |
Heri ya mwaka mpya |
Stop using your phone |
Kutokai kutumila simu yaku |
I need a favor, please |
Tafadhali naitaji msaada |
Great to see you again |
Nifurahi kukuona |
What Next?
Don't stop here. Learning a language requires constant practice, but it doesn't have to be complicated. The best trick is to master at least five Ngoni words daily from the Ngoni dictionary.
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