You ever wondered how to count in Kirundi?

Whether you're bargaining at a vibrant market in Bujumbura or want to impress your Burundian friends, knowing your numbers in Kirundi can be both practical and fun.

In this guide, we'll take you on a numerical journey through Kirundi, covering everything from 1 to 1000.

So, let's dive in and start counting like a local! Who knows? By the end of this article, you might even be ready to tackle some Kirundi math problems.

Ready? Let's go!

Numbers (Igiharuro) in Kirundi

English Kirundi
One Rimwe / Kimwe / Umwe
Two Kabiri / Bibiri / Babiri
Three Gatatu / Bitatu / Batatu
Four Kane / Bine / Bane
Five Gatanu / Bitanu / Batanu
Six Gatandatu
Seven Indwi
Eight Umunani
Nine Icenda
Ten Icumi
Eleven Cumi nu rimwe
Twelve Cumi nu kabiri
Thirteen Cumi nu gatatu
Fourteen Cumi nu kane
Fifteen Cumi nu gatanu
Sixteen Cumi nu gatandatu
Seventeen Cumi n'indwi
Eighteen Cumi n'umunani
Nineteen Cumi n'icenda
Twenty Mirong'ibiri
Thirty Mirong'itatu
Forty Mirong'ine
Fifty Mirong'itanu
Sixty Mirong'itandatu
Seventy Mirong'indwi
Eighty Mirong'umunani
Ninety Mirong'icenda
One hundred Ijana
Two hundred Amajana abiri
Three hundred Amajana atatu
Four hundred Amajama ane
Five hundred Amajama atanu
Six hundred Amajama atandatu
Seven hundred Amajama indwi
Eight hundred Amajama umunani
Nine hundred Amajama icenda
One thousand Igihumbi
One hundred thousand Iraqi / Ilaki

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