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A mixture of potatoes, herbs, cereals, and legumes.

We have different types of mikimos (Plural for mukimo)
1. Mukimo wa Njahi,
2. Kamitu,
3. Mukimo wa Minji, and
4. Irio
1. Mukimo wa Njahi is made with hyacinth beans (Njahi or Lablab purpureus (scientific name of the bean)), simmered with green maize till ready, then you add potatoes and bananas plus a few near ripe bananas (Marigu matotu) and salt to taste and mash them together. You serve this with a stew of your choice. This dish is mainly given to mothers after giving birth (That is why njahi are sometimes referred to as Njahi cia “muciairi”). 

2. Kamitu is made of pigeon peas and no maize is added. The pigeon peas are cooked by simmering till ready, then you add potatoes (Clean good standing potatoes) simmer till the potatoes are ready, add salt to taste and mash. This dish traditionally was reserved for weddings and for the old people who had lost some of their teeth.

3. Mukimo wa Minji is the common one but unfortunately, because of the cost of peas many hotels just mash some green maize with potatoes and add green veggies to imitate mukimo. What is served in many hotels and restaurants is not proper Kikuyu mukimo, strictly speaking, unless there are peas added. Those people selling it should just give it a proper identity but not refer to it as a Kikuyu dish coz it is not. Mukimo wa minji is a dish made of green peas and green maize. the two are simmered till ready, potatoes added, and more often than not, the potatoes are first fried under low heat till ready and the ready-mix of peas and maize added, then add salt to taste and mash them. This dish is also served with a stew of choice, many times beef stew is a choice stew or served with nyama choma.

4.Irio is really the traditional mukimo made with beans, maize, green vegetables (Mainly cowpea leaves or ‘Thabai’ – (the stinging nettle or Urtica massaica for those who are interested in the vegetable names) potatoes, and bananas. Beans and Maize are brought to boil like for Githeri, then water is reduced, potatoes are added with green bananas, simmered till almost ready, and when almost ready, the veggies are added, simmered for a short while to just cook the veggies, salt to taste and mash. This is also served with a stew of choice. This is a lengthy preparation meal. It is referred to as irio as it is a complete meal in itself. Proteins, Starch, vegetable and all. 


mUkimo gi cama muno

date publishedMarch 9, 2020

  • Definition 2


mashed potatoes


twaheo múkimo wa nyama


we have been served mashed potatoes with meat

date publishedAugust 20, 2022
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