luo love words, greetings,directions and basic conversations

Dholuo language is one of the major native languages in Kenya, with those who speak it living majorly in the Nyanza region of the country. The language is also spoken in the Mara region of Tanzania.

Luo language, like any other language, has its grammatical guidelines. In this article, you will learn about Luo phrases and how to use them in everyday life.

The main parts of speech are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

 Check out a few examples of pronoun usage in the table below.  

An Wan In Un En Gin

An a chiemo
Wan wa chiemo In ichiemo Un uchiemo En ochiemo Gin gichiemo
I am eating We are eating You are eating You are eating He/she is eating They are eating


Good morning Oyawre
Reply to good morning: Good morning too Oyawre ainya
Good afternoon Irio nade
Good afternoon too Ario maber
Good evening Oimore
Good evening too Oimore ainya
Good night Otieno maber
Response to Goodnight: Good night too Ne in bende
Hi, Hello Nang’o
Reply to Hi, Hello Ber
How are you doing? Idhi nade?
I’m doing good Adhi maber
How are you today? In nade kawuono?
I am good An maber
Nice to meet you Amor kuom rado kodi
Nice to meet you too An be amor
See you soon Wanenre machiegni
Have a good day Bed gi odiochieng’ maber
You too In be


I love you Aheri
I miss you Agombi
Response to I love you: Love you so much   Aheri ainya
I want to see you Adwa neni
I love you with all my heart Aheri gi chunya te
I love you too An bende aheri
I like you Aheri
You are beautiful Ijaber
My love Jaherana
My beautiful wife Chiega ma jaber
I miss you so much darling Agombi ainya osiepa
I need you Adwari
You will miss me Ibiroi gomba
Goodbye, my love Oriti, jaherana
See you tomorrow Wanere kiny
I will marry you Abiro kendi
I want some space Adwaro thuolo matin
I need your love Adwaro hera ni
You are mine In mara


How much?                                                   Marom nade?
Just a little Mana matin
How are you feeling? Iwinjo nade?
A bit better Maber matin
How have you been? Isebedo nade?
I’ve been good Asebedo maber
What is your name? Nyingi ng’a?
I am Daniel Nyinga Daniel
What are you doing? Itimo ang’o?
Nothing much, just cooking. Onge kata, mana tedo
What are you cooking, eating? Itedo, ichamo ang’o?
I’m cooking succotash Atedo nyoyo
Are you okay, dear? Be in maber osiepa?
I am good thanks An maber, ero kamano
When are you coming? Idhi biro saa adi?
Later today E kor kawuono
How was your night/day? Odiechiengi/ otieno ne ni nade?
Was really good Ne ber
How are you doing? Idhi nade?
I’m not okay Ok adhi maber
How is your family? Jogi dhi nade?
They are good Gin maber?
How is your day? Odiechiengi ne ni nade?
Very tiring Oola mang’eny
What is wrong? Ang’o marach?
Nothing, i am okay Onge, an maber
What do you mean?  Iwacho nade?
The boy is dead!! Wuoyi cha othoo!!
What is this? Magi ang’o?
My new shoes Wuoche ga manyien
How is the weather there? Kor yamo chal nade kuno?
It is really cold Koyo ng’ich ma
Have you gone to church? Be ne idhi kanisa?
Yes, i am just from church Eeh, koro e ka aa kanisa
What is going on? Ang’o ma dhi mbele?
We are watching soccer Waneno adhula
Are you listening? Be iwinja?
Yes, i have heard Eeh, awinji
Have you heard? Be isewinjo?
Not really, what is up? Podi, ang‘o?
Can I go home? Anyalo dhi dala?
Yea, goodbye Eeh, oriti
Can I ask something? Anyalo penjo gimoro?
Sure, ask Eeh, penji
How is everything? Gik moko dhi nade?
We are managing well Wan maber, watemo tu
What is your phone number? Namba ni cha mar ong’ue yamo en?
I gave it to you already Dong ne ase miyi


Happy birthday.                                                   Mor kuom odichieng’ nyuol mari
thank you Ero kamano
I am sorry Ago mos
You are welcome Aruaki ainya
Me too! Anbe!
God bless you Nyasaye oguedhi
May God protect you Nyasaye oriti
She is happy Nyako no omor
Please help me Akwayi, konya
I don’t know An akia
I will come tomorrow Adhi biro kiny
Come here! Bi kae!
Feel at home Winj ka in dala
Be blessed Bed gi gueth
I am coming soon Abiro machiegni
Excuse me Ng’uon na
Leave me alone! Weri koda!
It is okay Ber a bera
I am going home Adhi dala
I don’t want Ok adwa
Love is a beautiful thing Hera en gima ber
Let me try We atem
Welcome home Aruaki dala
I reached home safely Ne achopo maber
God is good Nyasaye ber
I don’t understand Ok ayua
We are happy to see you Wamor neni
I have it An kode
Rest in peace Nind gi kue
I don’t have money Aonge pesa
I am done Asetieko
I am going to the shop An adhi e duka
Happy new year Mor e iga manyien
Bad manners! Tim marach!
Stop using your phone We tiyo gi sime
I need a favor please Adwa ni ikonya
I haven’t seen you in ages Pok aneni ndalo mathoth
Great to see you again Amor neni kendo
You made my day Iloso odiechienga
No problem Onge nuksi
I really appreciate Ago erokamano sana
Let’s go!! Wadhi!!


Where are you?                                In kure?
Response to where are you? - I am at Dan's  An ka dan
Where were you? Ne in kure?
I was at home Ne an dala
Where did you go? Ne idhi kure?
I went shopping Ne adhi nyiepo
Where do you live? Idak kure?
I live in a school Adak e sikul

What Next?

Don't stop here. Learning a language requires constant practice, but it doesn't have to be complicated. The best trick is to master at least five Dholuo words daily from the Dholuo dictionary.

You can also improve your vocabulary by reading Dholuo stories. Read the story of a Luo legend, Luanda Magere, written in Dholuo and an English equivalent for reference.

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